A cold and rainy Lyon, France

Hello from Park City!

It’s been quite a while since my last newsletter. I know that makes some of you do a happy dance, and others I am sure have been wondering if I fell into a sink hole without my laptop!

But, truth be told, it’s been a very busy few months. Much of the time has been spent writing and researching (more on the researching efforts in a bit) book four in the Conor Thorn Series, which is tentatively titled, No One To Trust.  

And, much time over the past month has been spent shoveling the record amount of snow we’ve been getting here in the Wasatch Mountains. Good for the drought plagued region, bad for my back!
Before I get to the research for book four, I wanted to pass along news of another BookFunnel promotion that starts today and runs until February 13th.
Forty-seven thriller authors are offering FREE downloads of their thrillers in exchange for a sign-up to their newsletters. Here’s the link for the promotion. It would be very much appreciated if you’d share it with friends.

In December, my wife, Chris, and I travelled to the south of France with the main goal in mind to do some research for book four. Yes, we can confirm that southern France in December is cold and rainy. Trust me. We traveled to Marseille, Aix en Provence, Avignon and lastly, Lyon, where a good portion of book four will be set.

I’d have to say that the most chilling site that we visited on our trip was the Hôtel Terminus in Lyon.
The hotel served as the headquarters for the Gestapo, headed by Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, from about November 1942 until February 1943. It is still a hotel but renamed. It is located very close to the Gare de Perrache. The train station was conveniently located a very short distance from the hotel which made it easy to ship suspected Resistance members and Jews to camps in the East. My wife and I took time to have coffee there while we watched guests come and go. I couldn’t help but wonder if the guests were aware of the hotel’s dark past.
I took the opportunity to roam the hall on the second floor all the while my mind raced with thoughts of the horrors that took place in the hotel.
Enough darkness for now. One tip if you travel to Lyon, please check out the Centre d’Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation. The museum is dedicated to the telling the story of the Resistance’s activities in Lyon and of the deportation of Jews. The building the museum is located in was Gestapo headquarters after they moved on from the Hôtel Terminus. Here’s a link to the museum's website.

That’s it for now. I’d love to hear from any of you with comments or questions or recommendations for books on the French Resistance.

Stay safe. Read a book.
